Hot Product Snom Amplifier For Announcements Over 8 Ohm (sno-pa1) -
Article Review :
Snom Amplifier For Announcements Over 8 Ohm (sno-pa1) -
Last Price !!Snom Amplifier For Announcements Over 8 Ohm (sno-pa1) -.
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Main Features : Snom Amplifier For Announcements Over 8 Ohm (sno-pa1) -
Snom Amplifier For Announcements Over 8 Ohm (sno-pa1) - : - Public announcement system for office floors, reception areas and waiting rooms- Announcements in airports, train and bus stations, and waiting lounges - Monitoring of security-sensitive environments like entrances or reception areas- SIP- Multicast- Remote maintenance- Voltage feed via network (PoE): IEEE 802.3af, class 3- Ethernet: 2 x IEEE 802.3, 10/100 Mbps switch- SIP communication
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