reviews !!Performance Teknique ICBM-6678 NEW 4 Channel 1000W Mosfet Bridgeable Amplifier.
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Main Features : Performance Teknique ICBM-6678 NEW 4 Channel 1000W Mosfet Bridgeable Amplifier
Performance Teknique ICBM-6678
1000W - 4 Channel Mosfet Bridgeable Amplifier
Brand New, Factory Box, Not Refurbished
? Built-in Crossover
? Dual Variable Low Pass Filter 45Hz~300Hz
? 2 and 4 Input Modes
? Variable Bass Boost Control 0dB~12dB
? Sensitivity Input Control
? Remote Bass Control
? High and Low Impedance Input
? Frequency Response 20Hz~20KHz
? Bypass Line Output
? Overheat and Short Circuit Protection
? Power and Diagnostic LED In
Most of the patron reviews inform that the Performance Teknique ICBM-6678 NEW 4 Channel 1000W Mosfet Bridgeable Amplifier are quality product. It may be a pretty great product for the cost. You'll read overview from patrons to search out out more from their past experiences. The customers feedback can give you a great suggestion of the price and great satisfaction of the product.
All in all, we tend to are definitely suggest
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