New JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104)
Article Review :
JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104)
review !!JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104).
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Main Features : JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104)
*4-Channel Drvn Series Class D Car Amplifier*RMS Power Rating: * 4 ohms: 70 watts x 4 chan. * 2 ohms: 100 watts x 4 chan. * Bridged, 4 ohms: 200 watts x 2 chan.*Pulse Width Modulated MOSFET power supply*LED power (green) and protect (red) indicators*Variable Bass Boost (0 to +12 dB bass boost at 50 Hz)*Soft start turn-on*4/3/2 channel operation*Preamp RCA outputs to daisy chain multiple amps*3-way protection circuitry (thermal, overload, an
Buy JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104)?
Most of the patron reviews inform that the JVC KS-AX5104 1000W Max, 4-Channel Drvn Series Class A/B Car Amplifier (JVC KSAX5104) are quality product. It is a pretty nice product for the value. You'll browse overview from consumers to find out a lot of from their past experiences. The customers feedback will provide you a nice suggestion of the price and great satisfaction of the products.
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