Price !!Hifonics Brutus BXI1610D 1600 Watt D-Class Mono Amplifier.
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Main Features : Hifonics Brutus BXI1610D 1600 Watt D-Class Mono Amplifier
Product Description: 1 x 550 W @ 4 Ohms, 1 x 1100 W @ 2 Ohms, 1 x 1600 W @ 1 Ohm The Hifonics legacy is built on some of the most famous, high-performance amplifiers in the history of car audio and Brutus BXI amplifiers are recognized the world over as some of the best in their class. Using the latest in innovative D-Class digital chip technology, Hifonics has dramatically changed car audio amplifier design and redefined performance and value exp
Most of the shopper reviews inform that the Hifonics Brutus BXI1610D 1600 Watt D-Class Mono Amplifier are quality product. It could be a pretty nice product for the value. You can read overview from buyers to seek out out more from their past experiences. The customers feedback can offer you a nice suggestion of the worth and great satisfaction of the merchandise.
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