Price !!Lanzar OPTS650.5 Opti Scion 640 Watt 5 Channel Competition Amplifier.
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Main Features : Lanzar OPTS650.5 Opti Scion 640 Watt 5 Channel Competition Amplifier
4 x 50W + 1 x 150W RMS at 4 OHMS4 x 80W + 1 x 250W RMS at 2 OHMS 2 x 120W+ 1 x 400W MAX at 2 OHMS IDGED Frequency Response: 10Hz-35kHz Input Sensitivity (High Level): (1-4CH) 20Hz-250Hz / (5CH) 15Hz-40Hz Input Sensitivity (Low Level): (5CH) 50Hz-150Hz Sub woofer Gain & Frequency control: (5CH) 25Hz-160Hz Signal-to-Noise Ratio: >90dB THD at 1Watt, 4Ohm:
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